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Why complicate things?

Simple.   Practical.   Results.



Denise partners with top executives to improve team dynamics, increase employee engagement and elevate leadership’s impact. Her highly pragmatic approach has delivered proven results across a wide range of industries (e.g., technology, agriculture, home goods, hospitality and healthcare).  

As Program Director for The Conference Board, Denise facilitated an executive-level peer council which gave her insight to best practices at the world’s top companies. While serving as an executive with a Fortune 500 company, Denise orchestrated changes to employee engagement, leadership development and HR processes that led to awards such as Fortune’s “Top 25 World's Best Multinational Workplaces”, “Achievers 50 Most Engaged Workplaces”, and Chief Executive Magazine’s “40 Best Companies for Leaders”. 

Denise has been cited in Personnel Psychology, Corporate Executive Board, Human Resource Executive and Workspan. She's been a frequent guest speaker at The Conference Board's Performance Management Seminars and Annual Talent Management Strategies Conference. She is the author of Manage Like Your Momma: Inside the Minds of Great Managers, a short story about the similarities between parenting and leading.






Iconic Houseware Company


Enabled executive team to re-engage following a failed acquisition. Subsequently, helped them create an engagement strategy that yielded significant increase in employee commitment worldwide.

Sourcing Team $9B Annual Spend


Developed session to appreciate individual strengths and understand how to leverage them in order to realize the team's true potential. At end of session, team committed to doubling their savings goals.  

Trade Association $35B industry

(Washington, DC): 

Partnered with Executive Director on strategic planning session for its board of directors (BOD). Participants included eight CEOs.  This session was referred to as their “most productive meeting ever”.  




Travel Group $19B Annual Revenue


Designed trust-building session for executive team of a holding company moving from silos to collaborative partnerships. Annual surveys show that trust and collaboration continue to improve year-over-year.

Multi-Hospital Healthcare System

(S. Carolina):

Developed a simple yet effective succession planning process based on world-class best practices. Following initial roll-out, the program was fully institutionalized across the organization within 18 months.

Cloud-Based Service Group $3.5B


Conducted intervention with highly dysfunctional C-suite that included interviews, coaching and groups sessions.  Addressed deeply rooted issues and helped team adopt healthier mindset and teaming skills.

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